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Cisco Hierarchical Model:
For more information about this, please read our separate tutorial titled "The Cisco Hierarchical Model". 

OSI Model:
The OSI model is a layered model and a conceptual standard used for defining standards to promote multi-vendor integration as well as maintain constant interfaces and isolate changes of implementation to a single layer. It is NOT application or protocol specific. In order to pass any Cisco exam, you need to know the OSI model inside and out. 

The OSI Model consists of 7 layers as follows: 


Layer Description Device Protocol
Application Provides network access for applications, flow control and error recovery. Provides communications services to applications by identifying and establishing the availability of other computers as well as to determine if sufficient resources exist for communication purposes. Gateway NCP, SMB, SMTP, FTP, SNMP, Telnet, Appletalk
Presentation Performs protocol conversion, encryption and data compression Gateway and redirectors NCP, AFP, TDI
Session Allows 2 applications to communicate over a network by opening a session and synchronizing the involved computers. Handles connection establishment, data transfer and connection release Gateway NetBios
Transport Repackages messages into smaller formats, provides error free delivery and error handling functions Gateway NetBEUI, TCP, SPX, and NWLink
Network Handles addressing, translates logical addresses and names to physical addresses, routing and traffic management. Router and brouter IP, IPX, NWLink, NetBEUI
**Data Link Packages raw bits into frames making it transmitable across a network link and includes a cyclical redundancy check(CRC). It consists of the LLC sublayer and the MAC sublayer. The MAC sublayer is important to remember, as it is responsible for appending the MAC address of the next hop to the frame header. On the contrary, LLC sublayer uses Destination Service Access Points and Source Service Access Points to create links for the MAC sublayers. Switch, bridge and brouter None
Physical Physical layer works with the physical media for transmitting and receiving data bits via certain encoding schemes. It also includes specifications for certain mechanical connection features, such as the adaptor connector. Multiplexer and repeater None

Here is an easy way to memorize the order of the layers:
All People Seem To Need Data Processing. The first letter of each word corresponds to the first letter of one of the layers. It is a little corny, but it works. 

  • Class Range Explanation
    A 1-126 IP addresses can be class A, B or C. Class A addresses are for networks with a large number of hosts. The first octet is the netid and the 3 remaining octets are the hostid. Class B addresses are used in medium to large networks with the first 2 octets making up the netid and the remaining 2 are the hostid. A class C is for smaller networks with the first 3 octets making up the netid and the last octet comprising the hostid. The later two classes aren’t used for networks.
    B 128-191
    C 192-223
    D 224-239 (Multicasting)
    E 240-255 (Experimental)

    A subnet mask blocks out a portion of an IP address and is used to differentiate between the hostid and netid. The default subnet masks are as follows: 

    Class Default Subnet # of Subnets # of Hosts Per Subnet
    Class A 126 16,777,214
    Class B 16,384 65,534
    Class C 2,097,152 254

    In these cases, the part of the IP address blocked out by 255 is the Net ID. 

    3COM’s IP addressing tutorial is just superior. It covers basic IP addressing options as well as subnetting and VLSM/CIDR. 

    IPX will also be an important issue to consider in network management given the fact there many companies still use Netware servers. There are two parts to every IPX Network address - the Network ID and the Host ID. The first 8 hex digits represent the network ID, while the remaining hex digits represent the host ID, which is most likely the same as the MAC address, meaning we do not need to manually assign node addresses. Note that valid hexadecimal digits range from 0 through 9, and hexadecimal letters range from A through F. FFFFFFFF in hexadecimal notation = 4292967295 in decimal. 

    Sequenced Packet Exchange(SPX) belongs to the Transport layer, and is connection-oriented. It creates virtual circuits between hosts, and that each host is given a connection ID in the SPX header for identifying the connection. Service Advertisement Protocol(SAP) is used by NetWare servers to advertise network services via broadcast at an interval of every 60 minutes by default.

  • TCP Ports from 1 to 500

    tcpmux            1/tcp      # TCP Port Service Multiplexer [rfc-1078]
    tcpmux            1/udp      # TCP Port Service Multiplexer
    compressnet       2/tcp      # Management Utility
    compressnet       2/udp      # Management Utility
    compressnet       3/tcp      # Compression Process
    compressnet       3/udp      # Compression Process
    rje               5/tcp      # Remote Job Entry
    rje               5/udp      # Remote Job Entry
    echo              7/tcp      #
    echo              7/udp      #
    discard           9/tcp      # sink null
    discard           9/udp      # sink null
    systat            11/tcp     # Active Users
    systat            11/udp     # Active Users
    daytime           13/tcp     #
    daytime           13/udp     #
    netstat           15/tcp     #
    qotd              17/tcp     # Quote of the Day
    qotd              17/udp     # Quote of the Day
    msp               18/tcp     # Message Send Protocol
    msp               18/udp     # Message Send Protocol
    chargen           19/tcp     # ttytst source Character Generator
    chargen           19/udp     # ttytst source Character Generator
    ftp-data          20/tcp     # File Transfer [Default Data]
    ftp-data          20/udp     # File Transfer [Default Data]
    ftp               21/tcp     # File Transfer [Control]
    ftp               21/udp     # File Transfer [Control]
    ssh               22/tcp     # Secure Shell Login
    ssh               22/udp     # Secure Shell Login
    telnet            23/tcp     #
    telnet            23/udp     #
    priv-mail         24/tcp     # any private mail system
    priv-mail         24/udp     # any private mail system
    smtp              25/tcp     # Simple Mail Transfer
    smtp              25/udp     # Simple Mail Transfer
    nsw-fe            27/tcp     # NSW User System FE
    nsw-fe            27/udp     # NSW User System FE
    msg-icp           29/tcp     # MSG ICP
    msg-icp           29/udp     # MSG ICP
    msg-auth          31/tcp     # MSG Authentication
    msg-auth          31/udp     # MSG Authentication
    dsp               33/tcp     # Display Support Protocol
    dsp               33/udp     # Display Support Protocol
    priv-print        35/tcp     # any private printer server
    priv-print        35/udp     # any private printer server
    time              37/tcp     # timserver
    time              37/udp     # timserver
    rap               38/tcp     # Route Access Protocol
    rap               38/udp     # Route Access Protocol
    rlp               39/tcp     # Resource Location Protocol
    rlp               39/udp     # Resource Location Protocol
    graphics          41/tcp     #
    graphics          41/udp     #
    nameserver        42/tcp     # Host Name Server
    nameserver        42/udp     # Host Name Server
    whois             43/tcp     # nicname
    shois             43/udp     # nicname
    mpm-flags         44/tcp     # MPM FLAGS Protocol
    mpm-flags         44/udp     # MPM FLAGS Protocol
    mpm               45/tcp     # Message Processing Module [recv]
    mpm               45/udp     # Message Processing Module [recv]
    mpm-snd           46/tcp     # MPM [default send]
    mpm-snd           46/udp     # MPM [default send]
    ni-ftp            47/tcp     # NI FTP
    ni-ftp            47/udp     # NI FTP
    auditd            48/tcp     # Digital Audit Daemon
    auditd            48/udp     # Digital Audit Daemon
    tacacs            49/tcp     # Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
    tacacs            49/udp     # Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
    re-mail-ck        50/tcp     # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
    re-mail-ck        50/udp     # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
    la-maint          51/tcp     # IMP Logical Address Maintenance
    la-maint          51/udp     # IMP Logical Address Maintenance
    xns-time          52/tcp     # XNS Time Protocol
    xns-time          52/udp     # XNS Time Protocol
    domain            53/tcp     # Domain Name Server
    domain            53/udp     # Domain Name Server
    xns-ch            54/tcp     # XNS Clearinghouse
    xns-ch            54/udp     # XNS Clearinghouse
    isi-gl            55/tcp     # ISI Graphics Language
    isi-gl            55/udp     # ISI Graphics Language
    xns-auth          56/tcp     # XNS Authentication
    xns-auth          56/udp     # XNS Authentication
    priv-term         57/tcp     # any private terminal access
    priv-term         57/udp     # any private terminal access
    xns-mail          58/tcp     # XNS Mail
    xns-mail          58/udp     # XNS Mail
    priv-file         59/tcp     # any private file service
    priv-file         59/udp     # any private file service
    ni-mail           61/tcp     # NI MAIL
    ni-mail           61/udp     # NI MAIL
    acas              62/tcp     # ACA Services
    acas              62/udp     # ACA Services
    via-ftp           63/tcp     # VIA Systems - FTP & whois++
    via-ftp           63/udp     # VIA Systems - FTP & whois++
    covia             64/tcp     # Communications Integrator (CI)
    covia             64/udp     # Communications Integrator (CI)
    tacacs-ds         65/tcp     # TACACS-Database Service
    tacacs-ds         65/udp     # TACACS-Database Service
    sql*net           66/tcp     # Oracle SQL*NET
    sql*net           66/udp     # Oracle SQL*NET
    bootps            67/tcp     # Bootstrap Protocol Server
    bootps            67/udp     # Bootstrap Protocol Server
    bootpc            68/tcp     # Bootstrap Protocol Client
    bootpc            68/udp     # Bootstrap Protocol Client
    tftp              69/tcp     # Trivial File Transfer
    tftp              69/udp     # Trivial File Transfer
    gopher            70/tcp     #
    gopher            70/udp     #
    netrjs-1          71/tcp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-1          71/udp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-2          72/tcp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-2          72/udp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-3          73/tcp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-3          73/udp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-4          74/tcp     # Remote Job Service
    netrjs-4          74/udp     # Remote Job Service
    priv-dial         75/tcp     # any private dial out service
    priv-dial         75/udp     # any private dial out service
    deos              76/tcp     # Distributed External Object Store
    deos              76/udp     # Distributed External Object Store
    priv-rje          77/tcp     # any private RJE service, netrjs
    priv-rje          77/udp     # any private RJE service, netjrs
    vettcp            78/tcp     #
    vettcp            78/udp     #
    finger            79/tcp     #
    finger            79/udp     #
    http              80/tcp     # World Wide Web HTTP
    http              80/udp     # World Wide Web HTTP
    hosts2-ns         81/tcp     # HOSTS2 Name Server
    hosts2-ns         81/udp     # HOSTS2 Name Server
    xfer              82/tcp     # XFER Utility
    xfer              82/udp     # XFER Utility
    mit-ml-dev        83/tcp     # MIT ML Device
    mit-ml-dev        83/udp     # MIT ML Device
    ctf               84/tcp     # Common Trace Facility
    ctf               84/udp     # Common Trace Facility
    mit-ml-dev        85/tcp     # MIT ML Device
    mit-ml-dev        85/udp     # MIT ML Device
    mfcobol           86/tcp     # Micro Focus Cobol
    mfcobol           86/udp     # Micro Focus Cobol
    priv-term-l       87/tcp     # any private terminal link, ttylink
    kerberos-sec      88/tcp     # Kerberos (v5)
    kerberos-sec      88/udp     # Kerberos (v5)
    su-mit-tg         89/tcp     # SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
    su-mit-tg         89/udp     # SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
    dnsix             90/tcp     # DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
    dnsix             90/udp     # DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
    mit-dov           91/tcp     # MIT Dover Spooler
    mit-dov           91/udp     # MIT Dover Spooler
    npp               92/tcp     # Network Printing Protocol
    npp               92/udp     # Network Printing Protocol
    dcp               93/tcp     # Device Control Protocol
    dcp               93/udp     # Device Control Protocol
    objcall           94/tcp     # Tivoli Object Dispatcher
    objcall           94/udp     # Tivoli Object Dispatcher
    supdup            95/tcp     # BSD supdupd(8)
    supdup            95/udp     #
    dixie             96/tcp     # DIXIE Protocol Specification
    dixie             96/udp     # DIXIE Protocol Specification
    swift-rvf         97/tcp     # Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
    swift-rvf         97/udp     # Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
    linuxconf         98/tcp     # linuxconf
    tacnews           98/udp     # TAC News
    metagram          99/tcp     # Metagram Relay
    metagram          99/udp     # Metagram Relay
    newacct           100/tcp    # [unauthorized use]
    hostname          101/tcp    # hostnames NIC Host Name Server
    hostname          101/udp    # hostnames NIC Host Name Server
    iso-tsap          102/tcp    # tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
    iso-tsap          102/udp    # tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
    gppitnp           103/tcp    # Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net, or x400 ISO Email
    gppitnp           103/udp    # Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
    acr-nema          104/tcp    # ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
    acr-nema          104/udp    # ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
    csnet-ns          105/tcp    # Mailbox Name Nameserver
    csnet-ns          105/udp    # Mailbox Name Nameserver
    pop3pw            106/tcp    # Eudora compatible PW changer
    3com-tsmux        106/udp    #
    rtelnet           107/tcp    # Remote Telnet
    rtelnet           107/udp    # Remote Telnet Service
    snagas            108/tcp    # SNA Gateway Access Server
    snagas            108/udp    # SNA Gateway Access Server
    pop-2             109/tcp    # PostOffice V.2
    pop-2             109/udp    # PostOffice V.2
    pop-3             110/tcp    # PostOffice V.3
    pop-3             110/udp    # PostOffice V.3
    sunrpc            111/tcp    # portmapper, rpcbind
    sunrpc            111/udp    # portmapper, rpcbind
    mcidas            112/tcp    # McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
    mcidas            112/udp    # McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
    auth              113/tcp    # ident, tap, Authentication Service
    auth              113/udp    # ident, tap, Authentication Service
    audionews         114/tcp    # Audio News Multicast
    audionews         114/udp    # Audio News Multicast
    sftp              115/tcp    # Simple File Transfer Protocol
    sftp              115/udp    # Simple File Transfer Protocol
    ansanotify        116/tcp    # ANSA REX Notify
    ansanotify        116/udp    # ANSA REX Notify
    uucp-path         117/tcp    # UUCP Path Service
    uucp-path         117/udp    # UUCP Path Service
    sqlserv           118/tcp    # SQL Services
    sqlserv           118/udp    # SQL Services
    nntp              119/tcp    # Network News Transfer Protocol
    nntp              119/udp    # Network News Transfer Protocol
    cfdptkt           120/tcp    #
    cfdptkt           120/udp    #
    erpc              121/tcp    # Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
    erpc              121/udp    # Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
    smakynet          122/tcp    #
    smakynet          122/udp    #
    ntp               123/tcp    # Network Time Protocol
    ntp               123/udp    # Network Time Protocol
    ansatrader        124/tcp    # ANSA REX Trader
    ansatrader        124/udp    # ANSA REX Trader
    locus-map         125/tcp    # Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
    locus-map         125/udp    # Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
    unitary           126/tcp    # Unisys Unitary Login
    unitary           126/udp    # Unisys Unitary Login
    locus-con         127/tcp    # Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
    locus-con         127/udp    # Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
    gss-xlicen        128/tcp    # GSS X License Verification
    gss-xlicen        128/udp    # GSS X License Verification
    pwdgen            129/tcp    # Password Generator Protocol
    pwdgen            129/udp    # Password Generator Protocol
    cisco-fna         130/tcp    # cisco FNATIVE
    cisco-fna         130/udp    # cisco FNATIVE
    cisco-tna         131/tcp    # cisco TNATIVE
    cisco-tna         131/udp    # cisco TNATIVE
    cisco-sys         132/tcp    # cisco SYSMAINT
    cisco-sys         132/udp    # cisco SYSMAINT
    statsrv           133/tcp    # Statistics Service
    statsrv           133/udp    # Statistics Service
    ingres-net        134/tcp    # INGRES-NET Service
    ingres-net        134/udp    # INGRES-NET Service
    loc-srv           135/tcp    # NCS local location broker
    loc-srv           135/udp    # Location Service
    profile           136/tcp    # PROFILE Naming System
    profile           136/udp    # PROFILE Naming System
    netbios-ns        137/tcp    # NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-ns        137/udp    # NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-dgm       138/tcp    # NETBIOS Datagram Service
    netbios-dgm       138/udp    # NETBIOS Datagram Service
    netbios-ssn       139/tcp    # NETBIOS Session Service
    netbios-ssn       139/udp    # NETBIOS Session Service
    emfis-data        140/tcp    # EMFIS Data Service
    emfis-data        140/udp    # EMFIS Data Service
    emfis-cntl        141/tcp    # EMFIS Control Service
    emfis-cntl        141/udp    # EMFIS Control Service
    bl-idm            142/tcp    # Britton-Lee IDM
    bl-idm            142/udp    # Britton-Lee IDM
    imap2             143/tcp    # Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
    imap2             143/udp    # Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
    news              144/tcp    # NewS window system
    news              144/udp    # NewS window system
    uaac              145/tcp    # UAAC Protocol
    uaac              145/udp    # UAAC Protocol
    iso-tp0           146/tcp    #
    iso-tp0           146/udp    #
    iso-ip            147/tcp    #
    iso-ip            147/udp    #
    cronus            148/tcp    # CRONUS-SUPPORT
    cronus            148/udp    # CRONUS-SUPPORT
    aed-512           149/tcp    # AED 512 Emulation Service
    aed-512           149/udp    # AED 512 Emulation Service
    sql-net           150/tcp    #
    sql-net           150/udp    #
    hems              151/tcp    #
    hems              151/udp    #
    bftp              152/tcp    # Background File Transfer Program
    bftp              152/udp    # Background File Transfer Program
    sgmp              153/tcp    #
    sgmp              153/udp    #
    netsc-prod        154/tcp    #
    netsc-prod        154/udp    #
    netsc-dev         155/tcp    #
    netsc-dev         155/udp    #
    sqlsrv            156/tcp    # SQL Service
    sqlsrv            156/udp    # SQL Service
    knet-cmp          157/tcp    # KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
    knet-cmp          157/udp    # KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
    pcmail-srv        158/tcp    # PCMail Server
    pcmail-srv        158/udp    # PCMail Server
    nss-routing       159/tcp    #
    nss-routing       159/udp    #
    sgmp-traps        160/tcp    #
    sgmp-traps        160/udp    #
    snmp              161/tcp    #
    snmp              161/udp    # Simple Net Mgmt Proto
    snmptrap          162/tcp    # snmp-trap
    snmptrap          162/udp    # snmp-trap
    cmip-man          163/tcp    # CMIP/TCP Manager
    cmip-man          163/udp    # CMIP/TCP Manager
    cmip-agent        164/tcp    # CMIP/TCP Agent
    smip-agent        164/udp    # CMIP/TCP Agent
    xns-courier       165/tcp    # Xerox
    xns-courier       165/udp    # Xerox
    s-net             166/tcp    # Sirius Systems
    s-net             166/udp    # Sirius Systems
    namp              167/tcp    #
    namp              167/udp    #
    rsvd              168/tcp    #
    rsvd              168/udp    #
    send              169/tcp    #
    send              169/udp    #
    print-srv         170/tcp    # Network PostScript
    print-srv         170/udp    # Network PostScript
    multiplex         171/tcp    # Network Innovations Multiplex
    multiplex         171/udp    # Network Innovations Multiplex
    cl-1              172/tcp    # Network Innovations CL/1
    cl-1              172/udp    # Network Innovations CL/1
    xyplex-mux        173/tcp    #
    xyplex-mux        173/udp    #
    mailq             174/tcp    #
    mailq             174/udp    #
    vmnet             175/tcp    #
    vmnet             175/udp    #
    genrad-mux        176/tcp    #
    genrad-mux        176/udp    #
    xdmcp             177/tcp    # X Display Mgr. Control Proto
    xdmcp             177/udp    # X Display Manager Control Protocol
    nextstep          178/tcp    # NextStep Window Server
    nextstep          178/udp    # NextStep Window Server
    bgp               179/tcp    # Border Gateway Protocol
    bgp               179/udp    # Border Gateway Protocol
    ris               180/tcp    # Intergraph
    ris               180/udp    # Intergraph
    unify             181/tcp    #
    unify             181/udp    #
    audit             182/tcp    # Unisys Audit SITP
    audit             182/udp    # Unisys Audit SITP
    ocbinder          183/tcp    #
    ocbinder          183/udp    #
    ocserver          184/tcp    #
    ocserver          184/udp    #
    remote-kis        185/tcp    #
    remote-kis        185/udp    #
    kis               186/tcp    # KIS Protocol
    kis               186/udp    # KIS Protocol
    aci               187/tcp    # Application Communication Interface
    aci               187/udp    # Application Communication Interface
    mumps             188/tcp    # Plus Five's MUMPS
    mumps             188/udp    # Plus Five's MUMPS
    qft               189/tcp    # Queued File Transport
    qft               189/udp    # Queued File Transport
    gacp              190/tcp    # Gateway Access Control Protocol
    cacp              190/udp    # Gateway Access Control Protocol
    prospero          191/tcp    # Prospero Directory Service
    prospero          191/udp    # Prospero Directory Service
    osu-nms           192/tcp    # OSU Network Monitoring System
    osu-nms           192/udp    # OSU Network Monitoring System
    srmp              193/tcp    # Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
    srmp              193/udp    # Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
    irc               194/tcp    # Internet Relay Chat
    irc               194/udp    # Internet Relay Chat Protocol
    dn6-nlm-aud       195/tcp    # DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
    dn6-nlm-aud       195/udp    # DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
    dn6-smm-red       196/tcp    # DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
    dn6-smm-red       196/udp    # DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
    dls               197/tcp    # Directory Location Service
    dls               197/udp    # Directory Location Service
    dls-mon           198/tcp    # Directory Location Service Monitor
    dls-mon           198/udp    # Directory Location Service Monitor
    smux              199/tcp    # SNMP Unix Multiplexer
    smux              199/udp    #
    src               200/tcp    # IBM System Resource Controller
    src               200/udp    # IBM System Resource Controller
    at-rtmp           201/tcp    # AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
    at-rtmp           201/udp    # AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
    at-nbp            202/tcp    # AppleTalk Name Binding
    at-nbp            202/udp    # AppleTalk Name Binding
    at-3              203/tcp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-3              203/udp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-echo           204/tcp    # AppleTalk Echo
    at-echo           204/udp    # AppleTalk Echo
    at-5              205/tcp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-5              205/udp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-zis            206/tcp    # AppleTalk Zone Information
    at-zis            206/udp    # AppleTalk Zone Information
    at-7              207/tcp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-7              207/udp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-8              208/tcp    # AppleTalk Unused
    at-8              208/udp    # AppleTalk Unused
    tam               209/tcp    # Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
    tam               209/udp    # Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
    z39.50            210/tcp    # wais, ANSI Z39.50
    z39.50            210/udp    # wais, ANSI Z39.50
    914c-g            211/tcp    # Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
    914c-g            211/udp    # Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
    anet              212/tcp    # ATEXSSTR
    anet              212/udp    # ATEXSSTR
    ipx               213/tcp    #
    ipx               213/udp    #
    vmpwscs           214/tcp    #
    vmpwscs           214/udp    #
    softpc            215/tcp    # Insignia Solutions
    softpc            215/udp    # Insignia Solutions
    atls              216/tcp    # Access Technology License Server
    atls              216/udp    # Access Technology License Server
    dbase             217/tcp    # dBASE Unix
    dbase             217/udp    # dBASE Unix
    mpp               218/tcp    # Netix Message Posting Protocol
    mpp               218/udp    # Netix Message Posting Protocol
    uarps             219/tcp    # Unisys ARPs
    uarps             219/udp    # Unisys ARPs
    imap3             220/tcp    # Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
    imap3             220/udp    # Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
    fln-spx           221/tcp    # Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
    fln-spx           221/udp    # Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
    rsh-spx           222/tcp    # Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
    rsh-spx           222/udp    # Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
    cdc               223/tcp    # Certificate Distribution Center
    cdc               223/udp    # Certificate Distribution Center
    direct            242/tcp    #
    direct            242/udp    #
    sur-meas          243/tcp    # Survey Measurement
    sur-meas          243/udp    # Survey Measurement
    dayna             244/tcp    #
    dayna             244/udp    #
    link              245/tcp    #
    link              245/udp    #
    dsp3270           246/tcp    # Display Systems Protocol
    dsp3270           246/udp    # Display Systems Protocol
    subntbcst_tftp    247/tcp    #
    subntbcst_tftp    247/udp    #
    bhfhs             248/tcp    #
    bhfhs             248/udp    #
    rap               256/tcp    #
    rap               256/udp    #
    set               257/tcp    # secure electronic transaction
    set               257/udp    # secure electronic transaction
    yak-chat          258/tcp    # yak winsock personal chat
    yak-chat          258/udp    # yak winsock personal chat
    esro-gen          259/tcp    # efficient short remote operations
    esro-gen          259/udp    # efficient short remote operations
    openport          260/tcp    #
    openport          260/udp    #
    nsiiops           261/tcp    # iiop name service over tls/ssl
    nsiiops           261/udp    # iiop name service over tls/ssl
    arcisdms          262/tcp    #
    arcisdms          262/udp    #
    hdap              263/tcp    #
    hdap              263/udp    #
    bgmp              264/tcp    #
    bgmp              264/udp    #
    http-mgmt         280/tcp    #
    http-mgmt         280/udp    #
    personal-link     281/tcp    #
    personal-link     281/udp    #
    cableport-ax      282/tcp    # cable port a/x
    cableport-ax      282/udp    # cable port a/x
    novastorbakcup    308/tcp    # novastor backup
    novastorbakcup    308/udp    # novastor backup
    entrusttime       309/tcp    #
    entrusttime       309/udp    #
    bhmds             310/tcp    #
    bhmds             310/udp    #
    asip-webadmin     311/tcp    # appleshare ip webadmin
    asip-webadmin     311/udp    # appleshare ip webadmin
    vslmp             312/tcp    #
    vslmp             312/udp    #
    magenta-logic     313/tcp    #
    magenta-logic     313/udp    #
    opalis-robot      314/tcp    #
    opalis-robot      314/udp    #
    dpsi              315/tcp    #
    dpsi              315/udp    #
    decauth           316/tcp    #
    decauth           316/udp    #
    zannet            317/tcp    #
    zannet            317/udp    #
    pip               321/tcp    #
    pip               321/udp    #
    pdap              344/tcp    # Prospero Data Access Protocol
    pdap              344/udp    # Prospero Data Access Protocol
    pawserv           345/tcp    # Perf Analysis Workbench
    pawserv           345/udp    # Perf Analysis Workbench
    zserv             346/tcp    # Zebra server
    zserv             346/udp    # Zebra server
    fatserv           347/tcp    # Fatmen Server
    fatserv           347/udp    # Fatmen Server
    csi-sgwp          348/tcp    # Cabletron Management Protocol
    csi-sgwp          348/udp    # Cabletron Management Protocol
    mftp              349/tcp    #
    mftp              349/udp    #
    matip-type-a      350/tcp    # MATIP Type A
    matip-type-a      350/udp    #
    matip-type-b      351/tcp    # MATIP Type B or bhoetty
    matip-type-b      351/udp    # MATIP Type B or bhoetty
    dtag-ste-sb       352/tcp    # DTAG, or bhoedap4
    dtag-ste-sb       352/udp    # DTAG, or bhoedap4
    ndsauth           353/tcp    #
    ndsauth           353/udp    #
    bh611             354/tcp    #
    bh611             354/udp    #
    datex-asn         355/tcp    #
    datex-asn         355/udp    #
    cloanto-net-1     356/tcp    # Cloanto Net 1
    cloanto-net-1     356/udp    #
    bhevent           357/tcp    #
    bhevent           357/udp    #
    shrinkwrap        358/tcp    #
    shrinkwrap        358/udp    #
    tenebris_nts      359/tcp    # Tenebris Network Trace Service
    tenebris_nts      359/udp    # Tenebris Network Trace Service
    scoi2odialog      360/tcp    #
    scoi2odialog      360/udp    #
    semantix          361/tcp    #
    semantix          361/udp    #
    srssend           362/tcp    # SRS Send
    srssend           362/udp    # SRS Send
    rsvp_tunnel       363/tcp    #
    rsvp_tunnel       363/udp    #
    aurora-cmgr       364/tcp    #
    aurora-cmgr       364/udp    #
    dtk               365/tcp    # Deception Tool Kit (lame -- see
    dtk               365/udp    # Deception Tool Kit (lame -- see
    odmr              366/tcp    #
    odmr              366/udp    #
    mortgageware      367/tcp    #
    mortgageware      367/udp    #
    qbikgdp           368/tcp    #
    qbikgdp           368/udp    #
    rpc2portmap       369/tcp    #
    rpc2portmap       369/udp    #
    codaauth2         370/tcp    #
    codaauth2         370/udp    #
    clearcase         371/tcp    #
    clearcase         371/udp    #
    ulistserv         372/tcp    # Unix Listserv
    ulistserv         372/udp    # Unix Listserv
    legent-1          373/tcp    # Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
    legent-1          373/udp    # Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
    legent-2          374/tcp    # Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
    legent-2          374/udp    # Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
    hassle            375/tcp    #
    hassle            375/udp    #
    nip               376/tcp    # Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
    nip               376/udp    # Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
    tnETOS            377/tcp    # NEC Corporation
    tnETOS            377/udp    # NEC Corporation
    dsETOS            378/tcp    # NEC Corporation
    dsETOS            378/udp    # NEC Corporation
    is99c             379/tcp    # TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
    is99c             379/udp    # TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
    is99s             380/tcp    # TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
    is99s             380/udp    # TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
    hp-collector      381/tcp    # hp performance data collector
    hp-collector      381/udp    # hp performance data collector
    hp-managed-node   382/tcp    # hp performance data managed node
    hp-managed-node   382/udp    # hp performance data managed node
    hp-alarm-mgr      383/tcp    # hp performance data alarm manager
    hp-alarm-mgr      383/udp    # hp performance data alarm manager
    arns              384/tcp    # A Remote Network Server System
    arns              384/udp    # A Remote Network Server System
    ibm-app           385/tcp    # IBM Application
    ibm-app           385/udp    # IBM Application
    asa               386/tcp    # ASA Message Router Object Def.
    asa               386/udp    # ASA Message Router Object Def.
    aurp              387/tcp    # Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
    aurp              387/udp    # Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
    unidata-ldm       388/tcp    # Unidata LDM Version 4
    unidata-ldm       388/udp    # Unidata LDM Version 4
    ldap              389/tcp    # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    ldap              389/udp    # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    uis               390/tcp    #
    uis               390/udp    #
    synotics-relay    391/tcp    # SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
    synotics-relay    391/udp    # SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
    synotics-broker   392/tcp    # SynOptics Port Broker Port
    synotics-broker   392/udp    # SynOptics Port Broker Port
    dis               393/tcp    # Data Interpretation System
    dis               393/udp    # Data Interpretation System
    embl-ndt          394/tcp    # EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
    embl-ndt          394/udp    # EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
    netcp             395/tcp    # NETscout Control Protocol
    netcp             395/udp    # NETscout Control Protocol
    netware-ip        396/tcp    # Novell Netware over IP
    netware-ip        396/udp    # Novell Netware over IP
    mptn              397/tcp    # Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
    mptn              397/udp    # Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
    kryptolan         398/tcp    #
    kryptolan         398/udp    #
    iso-tsap-c2       399/tcp    # ISO-TSAP Class 2
    iso-tsap-c2       399/udp    # ISO-TSAP Class 2
    work-sol          400/tcp    # Workstation Solutions
    work-sol          400/udp    # Workstation Solutions
    ups               401/tcp    # Uninterruptible Power Supply
    ups               401/udp    # Uninterruptible Power Supply
    genie             402/tcp    # Genie Protocol
    genie             402/udp    # Genie Protocol
    decap             403/tcp    #
    decap             403/udp    #
    nced              404/tcp    #
    nced              404/udp    #
    ncld              405/tcp    #
    ncld              405/udp    #
    imsp              406/tcp    # Interactive Mail Support Protocol
    imsp              406/udp    # Interactive Mail Support Protocol
    timbuktu          407/tcp    #
    timbuktu          407/udp    #
    prm-sm            408/tcp    # Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
    prm-sm            408/udp    # Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
    prm-nm            409/tcp    # Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
    prm-nm            409/udp    # Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
    decladebug        410/tcp    # DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
    decladebug        410/udp    # DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
    rmt               411/tcp    # Remote MT Protocol
    rmt               411/udp    # Remote MT Protocol
    synoptics-trap    412/tcp    # Trap Convention Port
    synoptics-trap    412/udp    # Trap Convention Port
    smsp              413/tcp    #
    smsp              413/udp    #
    infoseek          414/tcp    #
    infoseek          414/udp    #
    bnet              415/tcp    #
    bnet              415/udp    #
    silverplatter     416/tcp    #
    silverplatter     416/udp    #
    onmux             417/tcp    #
    onmux             417/udp    #
    hyper-g           418/tcp    #
    hyper-g           418/udp    #
    ariel1            419/tcp    #
    ariel1            419/udp    #
    smpte             420/tcp    #
    smpte             420/udp    #
    ariel2            421/tcp    #
    ariel2            421/udp    #
    ariel3            422/tcp    #
    ariel3            422/udp    #
    opc-job-start     423/tcp    # IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
    opc-job-start     423/udp    # IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
    opc-job-track     424/tcp    # IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
    opc-job-track     424/udp    # IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
    icad-el           425/tcp    #
    icad-el           425/udp    #
    smartsdp          426/tcp    #
    smartsdp          426/udp    #
    svrloc            427/tcp    # Server Location
    svrloc            427/udp    # Server Location
    ocs_cmu           428/tcp    #
    ocs_cmu           428/udp    #
    ocs_amu           429/tcp    #
    ocs_amu           429/udp    #
    utmpsd            430/tcp    #
    utmpsd            430/udp    #
    utmpcd            431/tcp    #
    utmpcd            431/udp    #
    iasd              432/tcp    #
    iasd              432/udp    #
    nnsp              433/tcp    # Usenet, Network News Transfer
    nnsp              433/udp    #
    mobileip-agent    434/tcp    #
    mobileip-agent    434/udp    #
    mobilip-mn        435/tcp    #
    mobilip-mn        435/udp    #
    dna-cml           436/tcp    #
    dna-cml           436/udp    #
    comscm            437/tcp    #
    comscm            437/udp    #
    dsfgw             438/tcp    #
    dsfgw             438/udp    #
    dasp              439/tcp    #
    dasp              439/udp    #
    sgcp              440/tcp    #
    sgcp              440/udp    #
    decvms-sysmgt     441/tcp    #
    decvms-sysmgt     441/udp    #
    cvc_hostd         442/tcp    #
    cvc_hostd         442/udp    #
    https             443/tcp    # secure http (SSL)
    https             443/udp    #
    snpp              444/tcp    # Simple Network Paging Protocol
    snpp              444/udp    # Simple Network Paging Protocol
    microsoft-ds      445/tcp    #
    microsoft-ds      445/udp    #
    ddm-rdb           446/tcp    #
    ddm-rdb           446/udp    #
    ddm-dfm           447/tcp    #
    ddm-dfm           447/udp    #
    ddm-ssl           448/tcp    # ddm-byte
    ddm-ssl           448/udp    # ddm-byte
    as-servermap      449/tcp    # AS Server Mapper
    as-servermap      449/udp    # AS Server Mapper
    tserver           450/tcp    #
    tserver           450/udp    #
    sfs-smp-net       451/tcp    # Cray Network Semaphore server
    sfs-smp-net       451/udp    # Cray Network Semaphore server
    sfs-config        452/tcp    # Cray SFS config server
    sfs-config        452/udp    # Cray SFS config server
    creativeserver    453/tcp    #
    creativeserver    453/udp    #
    contentserver     454/tcp    #
    contentserver     454/udp    #
    creativepartnr    455/tcp    #
    creativepartnr    455/udp    #
    macon-tcp         456/tcp    #
    macon-udp         456/udp    #
    scohelp           457/tcp    #
    scohelp           457/udp    #
    appleqtc          458/tcp    # apple quick time
    appleqtc          458/udp    # apple quick time
    ampr-rcmd         459/tcp    #
    ampr-rcmd         459/udp    #
    skronk            460/tcp    #
    skronk            460/udp    #
    datasurfsrv       461/tcp    #
    datasurfsrv       461/udp    #
    datasurfsrvsec    462/tcp    #
    datasurfsrvsec    462/udp    #
    alpes             463/tcp    #
    alpes             463/udp    #
    kpasswd5          464/tcp    # Kerberos (v5)
    kpasswd5          464/udp    # Kerberos (v5)
    smtps             465/tcp    # smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
    smtps             465/udp    # smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
    digital-vrc       466/tcp    #
    digital-vrc       466/udp    #
    mylex-mapd        467/tcp    #
    mylex-mapd        467/udp    #
    photuris          468/tcp    # Photuris Key Management
    photuris          468/udp    #
    rcp               469/tcp    # Radio Control Protocol
    rcp               469/udp    # Radio Control Protocol
    scx-proxy         470/tcp    #
    scx-proxy         470/udp    #
    mondex            471/tcp    #
    mondex            471/udp    #
    ljk-login         472/tcp    #
    ljk-login         472/udp    #
    hybrid-pop        473/tcp    #
    hybrid-pop        473/udp    #
    tn-tl-w1          474/tcp    #
    tn-tl-w2          474/udp    #
    tcpnethaspsrv     475/tcp    #
    tcpnethaspsrv     475/udp    #
    tn-tl-fd1         476/tcp    #
    tn-tl-fd1         476/udp    #
    ss7ns             477/tcp    #
    ss7ns             477/udp    #
    spsc              478/tcp    #
    spsc              478/udp    #
    iafserver         479/tcp    #
    iafserver         479/udp    #
    loadsrv           480/tcp    #
    iafdbase          480/udp    #
    dvs               481/tcp    #
    ph                481/udp    #
    bgs-nsi           482/tcp    #
    xlog              482/udp    #
    ulpnet            483/tcp    #
    ulpnet            483/udp    #
    integra-sme       484/tcp    # Integra Software Management Environment
    integra-sme       484/udp    # Integra Software Management Environment
    powerburst        485/tcp    # Air Soft Power Burst
    powerburst        485/udp    # Air Soft Power Burst
    sstats            486/tcp    #
    avian             486/udp    #
    saft              487/tcp    # saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
    saft              487/udp    # saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
    gss-http          488/tcp    #
    gss-http          488/udp    #
    nest-protocol     489/tcp    #
    nest-protocol     489/udp    #
    micom-pfs         490/tcp    #
    micom-pfs         490/udp    #
    go-login          491/tcp    #
    go-login          491/udp    #
    ticf-1            492/tcp    # Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
    ticf-1            492/udp    # Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
    ticf-2            493/tcp    # Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
    ticf-2            493/udp    # Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
    pov-ray           494/tcp    #
    pov-ray           494/udp    #
    intecourier       495/tcp    #
    intecourier       495/udp    #
    pim-rp-disc       496/tcp    #
    pim-rp-disc       496/udp    #
    dantz             497/tcp    #
    dantz             497/udp    #
    siam              498/tcp    #
    siam              498/udp    #
    iso-ill           499/tcp    # ISO ILL Protocol
    iso-ill           499/udp    # ISO ILL Protocol
    isakmp            500/tcp    #
    isakmp            500/udp    #

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    Microsoft Vista Certification Boot Camp for Vista training boot camps

    Installing Service Packs and Hotfixes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Removing a Service Pack or Hotfix, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Slipstreaming Service Packs and Hotfixes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Adding Service Packs and Hotfixes to a Network Installation Share, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Installing Multiple Hotfixes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Microsoft Software Update Services, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Windows Update, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Windows Update Catalog, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Automatic Updates, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Software Update Services, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    The Windows Server 2003 Boot Process, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Preboot Sequence, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Boot Sequence, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Kernel Load, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Kernel Initialization, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    The Session Manager, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    The Boot.ini File, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Components of the Boot.ini File, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Computing (ARC) paths pointing to the computer's boot partition, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Boot.ini Switches, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Advanced Boot Options, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    The Recovery Console, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Installing and Starting the Recovery Console, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Using the Recovery Console, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Installing New Hardware, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Using Driver Signing, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Configuring Driver Signing, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    The File Signature Verification Utility, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Configuring Hard Disks, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Converting to Dynamic Disk Status, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Creating Simple Volumes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Creating Spanned Volumes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Creating Striped Volumes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Creating Mirrored Volumes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Creating Striped Volumes with Parity RAID-5 Volumes, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Configuring File Systems, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Encrypting File System (EFS), MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Encrypting Files Across the Network, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Encrypted File Recovery, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Volume Mounting, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    File Compression, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Copying and Moving Compressed Files and Folders, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Defragmenting Volumes and Partitions, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Backing Up and Restoring Data, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Backup Types, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Backing Up System State Data, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Restoring Files and Folders, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Restoring Active Directory Directory Services, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Failed Domain Controllers, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Damaged Active Directory Databases, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Authoritative Restores, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Automated System Recovery, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Adding Additional CPUs, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Adding Removable Media Drives, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Peer-to-Peer networks, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Creating Network Connections, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Automatic IP Addressing, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training boot camp get MCITP MCSE  Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    DHCP Addressing, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Name Resolution, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    NetBIOS Name Resolution, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Host Name Resolution, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Domain Name Space, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    DNS Zones, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Active Directory Integrated Stores, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Windows Server 2003 network, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Active Directory Support for Client Computers, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Contiguous namespace. The name of the child object in an object hierarchy

    Domain Controllers, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Domain Functional Levels, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Controlling Access to Active Directory Objects, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Delegating Administrative Control, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCITP MCSE  Training get MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp Certification join MCITP MCSE  Boot camps

    Publishing Resources, MCITP MCSE  Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Setting Up and Managing Published Printers, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Installing Printer Drivers, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Setting Up and Managing Published Shared Folders, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Auditing Access to Active Directory Objects, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Microsoft Internet Information Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    deploying IIS on multiple servers, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Using Configure Your Server Wizard and Add or Remove Programs to Install IIS

    Unattended Installation, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Defining Home Directories, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Virtual Directories, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Hosting Multiple Web Sites, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Enabling Web Service Extensions, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Managing IIS 6.0, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Process Accounting, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Backing Up and Restoring IIS, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Distributed File System, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Security, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Authentication, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Controlling Access, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Encryption, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Using Scripting to Manage Website Content, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Reroute Requests with Redirects, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Operators Group, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Administering Sites Remotely, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Terminal Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Terminal Services Components, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Remote Desktop for Administration, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Web-Based Administration, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Remote Assistance, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Requesting Assistance, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Using Windows Messenger to Request Assistance, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Using E-Mail to Request Assistance, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Using a Saved File to Request Assistance, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Terminal Server Role, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Installing the Terminal Services Role, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Installing Terminal Server Licensing, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Installing Applications for Terminal Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Client Software and Installation, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Connecting to Terminal Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    The Remote Desktop Connection Utility, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    The Remote Desktops Snap-In, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Administering Terminal Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Troubleshooting Terminal Services, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Automatic Logon, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Initial Program Launching, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    License Problems, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Creating and Managing User and Computer Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Local User Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp & MCSE Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Domain User Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Built-In User Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Administrator - MCSE Boot Camps

    Guest, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Help Assistant, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Support_388945a0 account credentials instead of the users credentials to perform specific administrative

    Computer Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Creating Computer Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Creating Local User Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Creating Domain User Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Copying Domain User Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Modifying User Accounts and Computer Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Accounts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Scope, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Nesting, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Creating Groups, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Adding a User to a Group, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Configuring Password Policy, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Configuring Account Lockout Policy, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Managing User Data, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Using User Profiles, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Roaming User Profiles, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Mandatory User Profiles, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Policy Objects, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Policy Settings for Computers and Users, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Linking Group Policy Objects, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Policy Inheritance, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Order of Application, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Controlling the Processing of Group Policy, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Refreshing Group Policy at Established Intervals, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Resolving Conflicts Between Group Policy Settings, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Managing user environment, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Administrative Templates, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Desktop Security Settings, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Group Policy Script Settings, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Folder Redirection, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Software Deployment, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    Controlling Access to Network Resources, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    NTFS Folder Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Boot Camp Certification join MCSE Boot camps

    NTFS File Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Multiple NTFS Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Cumulative Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    The Deny Permission, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    NTFS Permissions Inheritance, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Assigning Special Access Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Changing Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Taking Ownership, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Copying and Moving Files and Folders, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Troubleshooting NTFS Permission Problems, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Shared Folder Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Combining Shared Folder Permissions and NTFS Permissions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring Network Resources, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring Access to Shared Folders, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring Shared Folders, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Modifying Shared Folder Properties, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring Open Files, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Disconnecting Users from Open Files, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring Network Users, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring User Sessions, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Disconnecting Users, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Auditing - mcse boot camp, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Using an Audit Policy, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Using Event Viewer to View Security Logs, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Setting Up Auditing, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Auditing Object Access win2003, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Auditing Access to Files and Folders, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Auditing Access to Printers, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Using Event Viewer, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Viewing Security Logs, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Locating Events, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Managing Audit Logs, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Using Group Policy, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    The Shutdown Event Tracker, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Monitoring System Performance, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    The System Monitor, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Adding Performance Counters, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Performance Logs and Alerts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Counter Logs and Tracer Logs, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Alerts, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Using Task Manager to Monitor Performance, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE Certification join MCSE Bootcamp

    Command-Line Monitoring Tools, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE join MCSE Bootcamp

    The Logman Utility, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE join MCSE Bootcamp

    The relog Utility, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE join MCSE Bootcamp

    The typeperf Utility, MCSE Boot Camp Training get MCSE join MCSE Bootcamp

    TABLE OF CONTENTS : Installing and Deploying Windows Server 2003

    Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment










































      MCITP Boot Camp , MCSE Boot camp,  CCNA Boot Camp, Upgrade to MCITP Boot camp, MCITP Enterprise admin Certification Boot camp Training.
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